Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Matrix powers

Pals, after a year and a half I again watch the Matrix movie. What I should say, its one of the best movie ever made with correct sense of martial art used in it. It is OK if anyone of you had tried those really cool moves, like back flip over the wall, trying to see the programs round you and stuff like that. And i am sure no one tried to duck the bullet [lolz]. But still what If we have all those cool power that Neo had. I Mean just think, you are in the class room and your teacher give you surprise test. We need no worry, we could call our operator and he transfer the data directly into our brain bingoo!.
     Imagine, you are walking down to the street by yourself. Dark night had spread over you and it starts raining.  you look around, but couldn't find anyone, except some thug of the near hood. The next thing you know, you are surrounded by a huge group of thugs. They stop your way and one of them took out his knife and ran for you. You just stand there and wait, because everything is under slow-motion. I mean its so awesome. Now its turn to share your cool stuff with me, leave the comment.   

1 comment:

  1. Matrix offers a lil sumthng for every1 The die-hard science fiction fan a plot tht mixes and matches both new and old conventions of the genre in a compelling fashion. Action aficionados will find that there's no shortage of electric excitement, whether it's in the form of hand-2-hand kung fu-type fights or shoot-outs with seemingly limitless ammunition. Thrs also betrayal, a lil romance, sum humor, and a moral dilemma or two, all wrapped into a well-produced package. As I stated earlier, the way in which the Wachowskis choose 2resolve everything seems slightly contrived, but, in the overall scheme of things, that's a small price to pay for one of the most enjoyable science fiction thrillers
